The program is inspired by the art collection of Ian Vorres, founder of the Vorres Museum. Works by Moralis, Akrithakis, Chryssa, Pavlos, Samaras, Kessanlis form the axis for the painting and construction workshops awaiting children aged 5-10 years old. 

This annual educational program is offered in monthly cycles, every Wednesday @ 18:00, from November to May.

General information

Program begins: Wednesday 13 November 2019, 18:00

Monthly fee (4 workshops): 40 €, siblings, 20% discount on the second child.

The lessons are held at the V.M. children’s workhop.

All materials are supplied.

The participants will receive a certificate and the artworks created will be exhibited at the Vorres Museum in June 2020.

To book your place you can fill out the form or you can call us on 210 6642520.